Birds on Blue Project | Wireless Concealment

This month, we are proud to share our Birds on Blue project, as its completion marked a four-year collaboration effort between the tower owner and the CellTech design team. As an industry leader in cellular concealment services, we were thrilled to collaborate as the general contractor and concealment vendor on the project.

When we became involved in 2016, beyond the fabrication and installation of the piece, we were asked to share our expertise on design, metal works, FRP fabrication and installation throughout our collaborative effort. We decided to move forward in two phases by first fabricating the materials to scale in our shop, then moving the pieces to site in San Diego for final installation.

To us, Birds on Blue represents the future of cellular concealment, as this project pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Bypassing the structural augmentations, trees, cupolas, and church steeples CellTech is known for, Birds on Blue is an art installation and showcases the outer limits of what is possible in concealment services.

Once completed, Birds on Blue was the recipient of AGL’s Tower of the Month.

What do you want to conceal? At CellTech, we can make it happen, because we are everywhere you don’t see us. To learn more about our concealment services call us today at (714) 768-0945 or online at


Custom Made Concealment Systems for Antennas I Anaheim, CA


Keeping the City Beautiful with Wireless Concealment Services | Anaheim, CA