Birds on Blue
Concealment can be simultaneously functional and pleasing to the eye. This beautiful installation was the result of years of work by artists Sandy McDaniel and Ron Pekar. These renowned Southern California artists are best known for their sculptures at the Rose Bowl, and the famous horse sculpture, Traveler, at the University of Southern California.
Planning & Design
Pekar and McDaniel presented this remarkable design to CrownCastle, the tower owner. A brilliant partnership ensued. After final design approval was acquired in May 2014, CellTech set immediately to the task of fabrication, manufacturing, and installation of the Birds on Blue site.
The Result
This installation piece blends functionality and aesthetics in a way that no other concealment designer had done before. CellTech's goal is to always be at the forefront of innovation—blending progress, creativity and action.
With this project, CellTech designed and fabricated the “flanged” outrigger that connects to a standard antenna pole collar mount. The flanged aspect of the outrigger allows for downward forces to be directed inward toward the pole and then to the ground. This CellTech innovation allows for the removal of RFP kicker bracing, originally designed by TTG to be removed, allowing easy access to the antenna and equipment through door panels.
Furthermore, the CellTech-designed pole topper allows for free access for the outrigger connection at the top without changing the overall height of the tower. The pole topper is bolted to the existing monopole using Ajax bolts. CellTech also designed an FRP hinge that allows the panes located on three sides of the structure to be opened in either direction and at any level. This design allows maintenance crews access to the tower equipment for upgrades, general maintenance, and replacement.