CellTech™ Painting & Coating
Because of its smooth surface, CellTech™ is easy to print, paint and coat. Although, in principle, any PVC-compatible paint can be used, these systems have proved most suitable:
One- and two-component acrylic paint systems
Two-component polyurethane paint systems (DD paints.
Screen-printing paints for PVC (binding agent basis acrylic resin/PVC copolymerisate)
Carbit Paint Carbithane 11 Series Low Acrylic Polyurethane and Series 12
The first two systems listed above can be applied by spraying. Screen-printing paints should be used primarily with the screen-printing method. They can also be used for painting and lacquering. However, they must be set for the corresponding viscosity using a suitable spray-thinning device. Ask your paint manufacturer for advice about using the different paint types. Paints cured by UV radiation have been used on CellTech™. However, some discoloring of unlacquered surfaces might occur.
As with any other material, the surface to be printed must be clean and grease-free. Sheets exposed to direct solar radiation should not be painted dark over large areas to avoid high heat absorption. If weathering is an important consideration, please contact your paint manufacturer for more information. Observe all working directions and notes provided in the paint manufacturer’s application literature. If literature is not available, contact your paint manufacturer.